Summer Time Fun or Stress Filled Days

Summer Time Fun or Stress Filled Days

When you think of summer, what comes to mind? Is it days in the sun, vacations, relaxing with friends and family, concerts and laughing……

or is it stressful times dealing with family, reminders of disappointments in past summers, working long hours while others play, sadness over financial problems keeping you from vacations and parties. Summer can be a fun time but not for everyone.

We all have responsibilities…it could be to a job, family, friends, bills to pay, What about the responsibilities to yourself? Who takes care of you? This summer what about making yourself your first responsibility.. Take time out of your day to something little for yourself…Is there a book you want to read, a show you want to watch..a walk you want to take or a bubble bath with your name on it? How about time at the gym or listening to some music.

I know you are saying but I don’t have time, I have to much to do..Are you worth it? Who will take care of all those responsibilities if you end up in the hospital due to exhaustion or panic attacks or depression….The old saying you must first put on your own oxygen mask in an accident before you put on others to help them applies to your everyday life also.

If someone said I will give you a magic wish today to end your stress and frustration and all you need to do is make yourself just as important as all the other people and things in your life…would you take it?

Try this for one week, each day pre schedule time for yourself….. give yourself something to look forward to each day that is all about you and stick to doing it. You may find your stress ease up and your enjoyment of these summer days increase!


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